I have been building my Minotaurs since the Space Marines Codex release. I have been trying to make them a little different to my "normal" models. The fluff for the Minotaurs is really interesting and I love the thought of their ferocious ship to ship actions in the void. For that reason I have decided to try some custom "tech" bases to represent them fighting across a space Marine Battle Barge. Given the fluff where they almost wipe out the Lamenters chapter it will likely be a boarding action against them.

With the above said here are my attempts at these bases. These are just blanks that I will cast and then add details to them to keep them looking different across a whole army. Now my question to you all is whether I need more blanks? Will these 5 be individual enough to replicate over a whole army without looking a bit boring and repetitive? 

The actual process of creating these was actually quite a simple process if a little time consuming. First, I took some plasticard with a deck plating finish. I then used a compass cutter to get it the right size for the base. After attaching this to the base I started to cut some plasticard into thin strips. These are used as the bulkheads which I then attached some rivets I made from plasticard with a 1mm hole punch.

After the above steps I started to detail the bases with some tubing and wiring. This is just plasticard rods of varying thicknesses.

All I need to do now is use some filler in a few places and sand it all down to a smooth finish. After that get a mold made.

Before making molds though, I think I shall make some Terminator sized bases and some Centurion ones as well.

In hindsight I think if I was to do this again I would get some plasticard strips rather than cutting them myself as this was time consuming and the finish was not perfect.

- Martok