Now the question to you all is what should I bring? 3k Eldar mixed list? Pure GK fun?
What i am thinking is something like-
Grandmaster w/ psycannon & skulls (might try mordrak/draigo, or a orbital bombardment set-up instead)
Libby w/ hammer & 4 powers
10x blob of termies w thrawn and all fixing
2 5x blobs of GKSS
6 assault paladins inc apothecary w/ incinerators
2 10x purifiers
2 dual autcannon dreads w psybolts
land raider
interceptors as points allow
(I'd do a Storm raven if I had one ...hehehe... soon...)
Compared to the 10 tank hulls and 3 huge 'toons of IG that he fielded last time we did this, my army was small. But I still won last time as he bottled himself on deployment, due to excessive bubble wrap.
his Orks I have yet to face, but his Deathwing army was whittled down by fire and maneuver. I was able to stay out of reach in that game due mostly to a large LOS blocking piece of terrain in the center that we orbited during the game.
Anyways look for pics nd battle report on Monday....probably.