So I really want to build an Iyanden list.  The problem is I don't know how to go about doing it.  What I do know is that I wan't a variety of different wraith units in the army.  As it stands I have 30 wraith guard, 2 wraith lords, the wraith knight and a spirit seer to work with.  I've come up with a 500 point list that I will finish building and painting before moving on.  I figure I should be able to spring board into the army after this is done.

Spirit Seer

10 Guardians - Bright Lance
5 Wraith Guard

Wraithlord - 2 Star Cannons

Total Points: 500

Nothing to drastic here.  I went with the star cannons on the wraithlord simply because I think it would look cool to mount the star cannons on the arms of the wraithlord.  I could swap them out for bright lances making the wraithlord look like a mini wraith knight but I like the look of the star cannons better.

Growing the list from here though has me stumped.  Eventually I want both wraith lords and the wraith knight in the list.  This eats up a ton of points (400 to be exact).  I also want to include some wraith blades of both varieties because the models look so cool.   But again having trouble fitting it all into a list. I do have one wave serpent that I've already primed yellow.  I plan to put 5 D-Scyths into it.  This unit is 340 points by itself.

With the above three blocks of mini's completed I'm looking at 1240 points total.  The army would look like this:

Spirit Seer

10 Guardians - Bright Lance
5 Wraith Guard
5 Wraith Guard - D-Scyths, Wave Serpent, Holo Field

2 x Wraithlords - 2 Star Cannons
Wraith Knight

Total Points: 1240

I still have not added any wraith blades yet.  I also think some jet bikes would go a long way in rounding out the list or some swooping hawks.  I don't need the army to be the hardiest list around but I don't want it to fall on its face every time I play a game.  I could add in another 20 wraith guard bringing the total in the army up to 30.  This would sky rocket my total points to 1910 points.  I could drop the guardians bringing the total points down to 1800.  I also should be looking to put hit and run into the list. Either through allies or Barroth.  I like the idea of Barroth because no know one ever uses him.  So at 2k the list might look like this:

Spirit Seer - Helm

10 Wraith Blades - axes or swords
3 x 5 Wraith Guard
5 Wraith Guard - D-Scyths, Wave Serpent, Holo Field

2 x Wraithlords - 2 Star Cannons
Wraith Knight

Total Points: 1995

What would look really cool would be to run a wraithseer in the list.  Replace Barroth with a the WS + EML would bring the list up to a cool 2k.  At the end of the day this would look awesome on the table top.  Hate investing a ton of time into an army that is sub par though.

Anyway if you've made it this far into my ramblings thank you.  I'll start with the 500 points and go from there at any rate.  Still though I would like to have an idea of how the list should look at 2k but it escapes me.