
It’s been a month since my last update, but fear not the Centurion is still progressing! I’ve been refining lots of little things and find it hard to find motivation to document the progress when doing that kind of work.

First up, here’s the front of the torso. As you can see, the front armour has been completed and received a coat of primer. It still requires some final detailing but the base shape and banding is done. Shoulder pads now mount properly onto the top of the shoulders using locating lugs. You can also see the current progress on the head.

This next shot I threw in just because. It looks a bit empty down between the front armour and the torso, but I have some detail pieces that will be mounting in there to fill it out a little.

Here’s a shot of a few of the detail pieces currently under construction. We have the rear reactor, the head, the torso front detail pieces and the exhaust. All pretty self explanatory. The exhaust was originally supposed to be made on my CNC router, but it’s out of action at the moment (a dead motor driver has motivated me to build an entire new control system for it) so I did it all by hand and it actually turned out really well. I must be getting pretty good at working styrene? ;)

Finally I’ve also grabbed a couple of blue-tacked together shots of the entire model. The waist piece was replaced with a glob of blue-tack so the torso is sitting a bit lower than it should, but you get the idea. There’s still a lot of fill-in and detailing work to go, but it is progressing nicely!

No big plans for the next step other than to keep progressing on all of these little details. I’m currently working on the neck and detailing that area. I’ll try to post some more frequent updates…

As always, thanks for reading!