Well its been a long time since I've done a proper post but thankfully most of the craziness that has been distracting me for the last month is behind me now.

So I thought it would be best to start back with the biggest model I've ever painted.

I mean seriously, how cool is the freaking Storm Strider. I feel bad for some of the other Warmachine Factions..... especially Khador and their funny little horse cart.

Giving me an excuse to make "PEW PEW" noises in games since 2012

You wish you looked this cool
So far, my opponents have not being happy to see this thing across the table from them.

Putting it together was tough, the model is a mix of resin and metal parts that required a lot of drilling, pinning, gluing and additional support from green stuff. At various point I've been unsure if the thing would stay together for very long. Needless to say, I don't plan on dropping this thing from any height whatsoever.

Transporting it to games has also been a pain in the butt. If anyone has an affordable transportation suggestion I am all ears. (So far everyone has just told me to throw it in the rubbish bin)

As a paint job it was remarkable easy. With all those big areas you could put the first two coats on really quickly without having to worry about getting paint everywhere. The painting guide in the Wrath book was also helpful in doing some nice touches like the swirls in the energy socket bits..... whatever those things are.

Probably the neatest thing about painting this model was having that big base to play with. I decided to experiment with some sculpting with some positive and negative effects. On the good side the craters, boulders and water effects look pretty good (I used a citadel water effects bottle I got for half price).

The wall however, looks a little sad.

Anyway, fun paint job and no where near as daunting as I expected. I am actually looking forward to getting a Stormwall now.

Still very very sticky
Coming up...  Stormclad and Stormknights and Vom-Krieg takes on three people at Warmachine at once!