Now before you say, "No, not another project change!" this time I'm not. Beastmen are definitely foremost on the hobby table, and this Army Throwdown is going to get finished. However, I did preorder the brand new boxed game 'Dropzone Commander', and I couldn't help but try out painting one of the Bear APCs as a test model. When this is done I'll take some pics with a proper camera, and not the mobile phone shots you see here.

For those who don't know, this is a 10mm scale sci-fi wargame. I've put a coin in the shot for scale purposes- as you can see these are pretty small. For my United Colonies of Mankind (UCM) force, I've decided to go with a three color, hard edged camo with patterns based on interlocking hexagons. Sci fi digital, if you will. Colors used are Panzer Grey primer, Hemp, and finally Russian Green, all from the Vallejo Model Air range. The Panzer Grey is a black replacement- at 10mm scale I think black is just a bit too stark. I did a very light drybrush of Bonewhite to pop the edges out a bit.

I still need to finish and attach the turret, paint the running lights, highlight the tires, and maybe do a black pin wish around all the panel lines, but the pattern is essentially done. Back to Beastmen, and afterwards it's time to get my UCM army done and give this cool looking game a go...