Even by Kickstarter standards that's a lot of stuff for $150.....

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Mars Attacks – The Miniatures Game is now into its second week and, after last weekend’s escapades, there are a number of discounted pledge levels open from when backers upgraded their pledge levels!

The discounts are on the $150 The Invaders Arrive pledge level, marked as Early Birds, and as of Midnight Sunday 20th October, we’re shutting them off!

Why? Well, we’ll be in the middle of the campaign and they’re there to reward our backers who pledged early. As of Monday, they're gone - so don't miss out on a discount!

Not only that but we’re also giving away a bonus Kickstarter Exclusive Martian General Tor figure in alternate pose to everyone who has pledged The Front Line ($75) and up before Sunday 27th October to say thank you for backing us!

General Tor kicks ass in his new pose, exclusive to the Kickstarter.

Here’s a recap of everything you get at the $150 level, which includes $125 worth of Core Add-ons of your choice – meaning you get the starter game for just $25! These Core Add-ons, priced at up to 30% off RRP, allow you to customise your pledge, and makes the total pledge value already worth in the region of $250-300 at retail prices. Just check out the contents here:

Prepare your tabletop for invasion, and please support Mars Attacks – The Miniatures Game!

Want to know more about Mars Attacks? Download our IDW Comic Teaser!

Want to know more about the game? Download our Playtest Rules below and thenhead over to the Mantic forum and give us your feedback: