Just discovered this game. Was down at my local GW playing a fantasy game vs Siceralc and decided to have a run through of "Escape from Goblin Town." I must say, I was very impressed.
It was a refreshing change of dice rolls and phases. 40k and Fantasy can get a bit tiresome after a while when OP units come crashing across the board and absolutely ruin your day. Of course, I don't know enough about LOTR, I'm sure there are OP units hiding away for Siceralc to find and abuse soon enough.
I've had a look around the models and rulebooks and have settled upon Mordor as an army. I like the idea of have Morgul Knights/Wargs in creating a cavalry themed army. Or Terror. I like the idea of forcing enemy models to take courage tests every time they want to charge me.
Is Mordor any good?
- Out.
Discovering The Hobbit
by CrAzY424 | Oct 19, 2013