I've been working on a 1500 point Blood Angels army, but I needed something to try my new weathering tools out on, so I took this old Chimera and blasted on some paint.  I have a vague notion to use it for my Xenos Inquisitor's retinue...

...if I ever get around to finishing it.

That's obviously a kit-bash; the base was this model:

I also picked up these two models, plus some Xenos-looking creatures.

I'll get around to it in another decade or so, I'm sure.  As an aside, after seeing the new Sisters of Battle book today, that army is definitely going to be my 2014 tournament army.

Anyway, here's the LINK to the Tamiya USA website and here's the test model.

I'm going to fix the hatch - which didn't come out very well - but I'm happy with the rest of the model.  I'm going to put some mud on the tracks using...

...this product, mixed with brown paints.  Here's the Tamiya Weathering kits I've been using.  I've since purchased all four.  Fun stuff.

Thoughts?  Comments?  Nonsensical anonymous thoughts and comments?