So Andrew is finally back with another Xtra Points Episode and this time Andrew has been inspired by a conversion from friend Corey Lenigar.








These have even thinking about playing a Vampire Counts army (even though it has always been my stance to hate the army).

The List:

Hero’s Points Cost
Vampire L2 (Lore of Vamps) General Hvy Armour Enchanted Shield, Talisman of Preservation, Quickblood, Beguile 239 $3
BsB Wight King, Hvy Armour Charmed Shield, Warrior Bane 120 $5
Vampire L1 (Lore of Vamps) Shield, Hvy Armour, Dragon Helm, Potion of Str, Sword of Might, Quickblood, Beguile 241 $3
Rare Points Cost
Vargulf 175 $10
Vargulf 175 $10
Special Points Cost
3 Varghiests 132 $20
3 Varghiests 132 $20
8 Crypt Ghouls 304 $24
20 Grave Guard Full Command 270 $35
25 Zombies Standard and Musician 85 $60
25 Zombies Standard and Musician 85
10 Extra Zombies to raise
30 Spiders 240 $30
20 Ghouls 200 $25
Total $245


The idea behind the army would be that while hurt if the General dies, it wouldn’t be the end. With the 2 units of Varghiests, 2 Vargulfs, and a backup caster with the lore of Vampires – it hopefully should be fast moving and resilient.

The army also has a fortitude of 6 and best of all costs under $300 when started from scratch!

Let me know what you think by either posting to the forums or letting me know on Facebook/Twitter.