Hey everyone,

So it has been a long few months. My health was kicking the crap out of me and.... honestly it still is. However, I am pushing on and trying to get back to what I could call a 'normal' life. I haven't gotten much done in the way of the Hobbies but after Adepticon 2011, I am holding miniatures as often as I can. I am working on some my a LW German Army for the 2011 Nationals, the Brotherhood of the Emerald Shield (Grey Knights who are GREEN!), Excorcist Space Marines, Retrobution for Warmachine, Super Dungeon Explorer models, a Dark Age Warband and probably a handful of projects that I cannot think of at the moment. Also, I spend the past few weeks working on the Man Cave on and off to get it more organized. Tonight, there are not pictures but they will soon follow!

Happy Gaming,