Pretty fast turnaround in my opinion! So now you can play chapters such as Red Scorpions, Carcharodons, Lamentors, or the OG Legion of the Damned (Fire Hawks) and more in Sixth Edition!
Kudos on the update!
Courtesy of Forge World
The following presents Chapter Tactics for a selection of Space Marine Chapters covered in Imperial Armour books who either have no clear progenitor from amongst those listed in Codex: Space Marines, or operate in a manner that bears little similarity to their ancient forebears. These rules are presented in the same format as those in Codex: Space Marines, and any Chapter designated as having a given Chapter Tactic gains all the Chapter Tactics special rules listed for that Chapter.
Whilst these rules should be considered official, in the name of good sportsmanship you should inform your opponent when
using these Chapter Tactics as they may not be familiar with them. You are encouraged to use any of the following Chapter
Tactics when using a Chapter whose progenitor is unknown, or for a Chapter of your own invention, as well as those presented in Codex: Space Marines as long as your opponent is aware of which Chapter Tactic is being used for a given detachment.