Hi everyone,

Yep, I have broken one resolution I had made a point not to.  That is, not to start anything new until I finished up the back log of projects waiting completion, like my Minotaur Vs Lamenter vignette and the Counter Strike diorama.
I do not want to make excuses so I will give a valid reason.  I have entered the Hobbylink TV Advanced Modelling Competition. As a norm, I never enter competitions of any kind.  Besides the fact that they make me uncomfortable and self-conscious, not to mention the amount of tension it creates in me.  Therefore as a rule I don't like competing in general, medals and trophies don't interest me, and I am only in competition with myself.

I broke this rule as well, but I did so because Hobbylink Japan [HLJ from now on] are offering product for those that place 1st, 2nd or 3rd.  I find this great!  I always enjoy buying new tools and kits from this company, so getting stuff virtually for free was an opportunity impossible for me to turn down - well not impossible but extremely tempting and I fell!

Also I could not enter something I already published on my blog.  The entries had to be seen  for first time on their site.  Not only that, but one has to submit at least four blog posts detailing the progress a various stages of the entry.  This left me no choice but to start something new.

I decided to build the Robot Gardner kit from the Japanese anime movie called Laputa: Castle in the Sky.  I am sure you have all heard of it.  I bought the kit from HLJ, so I decided to go for it. As I can not post the progress here until the competition closes and the results are published, anyone who wants to see it will have to click on this link here to follow.  While you are at it, I also encourage you all to join Hobbylink TV, and why not - join the competition as well.  There is still time to do something and from scratch and enter. 

If any of you do decide enter the competition or not, just join and post your stuff and comment on one of the different groups or if you want make your own group!  I have opened a group called Diorama Display and I would be honored if anyone would like to join up and post your masterpieces there.  

Well that's it for today.  Until my next post I bid you all farewell and good health,

