I started the assembly process yesterday...

Undead Legionnaires unpacked.
There's the usual big lumps of resin that we come to expect when this material is used...it's nothing unusual...

A Pile of Parts.
Observation 1 - Several of the mould lines in the inside of the legs become indentations that are a little to deep to file away without losing most of the leg. Mildly inconvenient on two, terrible on two others but fixable via filling. As these guys are undead a few extra holes I can paint as wounds aren't really an issue...

A Bit of Leg...
Observation 2 - The legs aren't of the type that fit into a slot yet the bases provided are slotted ones meaning I have to fill the slots in them before I add basing material...I've occasionally had the same issue with Wyrd Miniatures stuff probably because they're moving onto plastic models and still had old stock of bases...

Or Are You a Chest Man?
These fitted on nicely and though it was obvious where they went it would also be relatively easy to re-angle them should you wish to increase the variety of poses.

No Longer 'Armless'...
So I have eight arms with the gun handle in their right hand and two with it in their left but I have nine opposite left arms and only one opposite right arm...that's going to require a bit of thought..

Note - Apparently this issue is being sorted currently. It's nice to see that they're paying attention to early feedback in order to provide the best product possible.

A Mantic Games Zombie kindly donated one of his arms to it's Dark Legion cousin ;-) 

Technical Difficulties...
My camera ran out at that point but I was too impatient to wait so we've missed a few steps. A Razide from the Starter Set and a couple of Necromutants got assembled as well. There were no issues at all with these models...

More progress reports to follow...

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.