Made a little more headway on getting the Sicaran battle tanks painted, got the edge highlighting done and started blocking in the areas which will be white on the weapon housings and icons and put the first brown on the tracks to help define them a bit. So far so good!
Not sure if it needs more white, I'm considering doing the sensor housing on the front of the turret in white as well, though that sort of goes against the "weapon housings in white" theme I've been going with so far. Thoughts?
Started building the legion praetor as well - Iron Father Vladek Kraal. Pretty straightforward build using the FW praetor in Cataphractii terminator armor and the thunder hammer from a modern era terminator. The servo arm came from Bitspudlo, and I'm planning on replacing the hammer head with one from MaxMini once my friend Dave's order arrives and I can pinch one from him.
The army is really starting to come together now - I'll snap a couple army pics soon to see how it all looks laid out so far!
Heresy Era Iron Hands – Sicaran painting in progress and Praetor build
by Mordian7th | Oct 30, 2013