As the title suggests, I painted a dwarf.
A single,
plain 'ol dwarf.

The finished dwarf.
This is odd since I had no true desire to paint any other dwarves, just had the urge to do this one. And more for a reference guide for myself I took pics of every stage of the painting. In case I actually do get the urge to do the whole army, I can look back on this post in case I forget what color-scheme I used.

Stage one. Base Coat. Dark Brown, Dark Angels Green, Tin Bitz, Delta Creamcoat Metallic Pewter ( I love this color!)

Stage two: Dwarf flesh, a dark green from the original Epic paint set, Hammered Copper from Game Color, and Calthan Brown Citadel Foundation (beard).

Stage three: Original Citadel Woodland Green, Ral Partha Copper Metallic (amazing that this is still good), and bronzed flesh. 

Stage four: Burnished Gold highlights, bleached bone and white for the eyes, and brown ink to pick out the beard ,

Final stage: Bolt gun metal on axe edge, Khemri brown foundation paint on the beard, a bit more burnished gold.,

Any to not keep out fella from feeling totally purposeless while I take the next while here contemplating whether or not I want to paint any more dwaves, I decided to give him a piece of the King's Wall (It should've been called the King's Rope Fence or something as it is hardly a wall).

Tin bitz on the metals, the darkest grey I could find in my collection for the stone.

A lighter gray. And a thinned Patina by Folk Art on the metal.

Tin Bitz mixed with shining gold for highlights on the helms,

Add flock, and done with both miniatures.

Honestly, I must confess to you, I really only painted these two models as a study for these guys!:

I didn't want to just randomly paint all that dwarf debris, now did I?
...Stay tuned!