So here is another new little project that is going on at the moment. Why? More like why not... nah that is not it. Just needed something that I can paint and not care too much about.

Main reason for that is due to the fact that my UK Visa finally came in! So things are about to get really really chaotic around here now and the house is about to be flipped upside down! Expect a lot more news on this topic in the future... but for the time being more on this model.

With that in mind I don't want to mess things up. So a test model to muck about with some new techniques and such. Something to take the edge off while I paint up the Dwarf Bust that requires being finished before leaving the country.

And yes, there are other models for me to work on but I am liking this guy. Lots of chances to try new things on nit like the pale skin... and some fake chipping on the armor sections.

It was a pretty simple process though.. painting some pretty dark spots with black, and then lining the bottom section of the dots or lines with a brighter color.

Problem is.. I am not liking the effect at the moment and I will be redoing it completely most likely. But am curious what others think of it?

That and the orange knee pads are really not working here I think. But again.. a test model is a test model so... always room for change and improvement!

Things left to be done though are to do up the massive hands/forearms sections, and then some blue OSL effects. I am hoping that it will add a new dimension to the model. I am also thinking of a tattoo or something but again not quite sure of it yet.

So yeah.. weekend is coming up.. more work on this and the Dwarf is coming.. and a lot of packing to occur as well! Let's see how well that process goes!