templars_october_crusadersWhat you see above is the last 9 models I had to paint to complete my Independent Characters 2014 Painting Challenge. They were half-finished on my workbench two weeks ago, but now they’re all finished and ready for the tabletop. This finally completes the army I started working on 10 months ago. Actually, I started on this army in April of last year…

black_templars_projectBut after I got it assembled and primed in August…

kr_multicase_03…I stalled out for a few months. Thankfully, the IC Challenge kicked my ass into gear, and now, a year and a half later, I’ve turned those boxes into this:

templars_complete_01It’s been a fun project, and I’ve had opportunities to practice things like freehand details and a bit more weathering than I normally do, so it’s been a good learning experience. That doesn’t mean my Templars army is done, though. I still have to paint:

  • Chaplain Grimaldus and his retinue
  • A power fist Chaplain
  • A Marshal (well, a Captain/Chapter Master now)
  • 10 Honor Guard
  • A Drop Pod
  • A Dreadnought
  • A Stormraven
  • 2 more Rhinos/Razorbacks

That could easily keep me busy for a few more months, but other than the Honor Guard and Drop Pod (which are already on their way to being finished), I can take a break for a while and get to my other armies (like my Chaos Marines, which have a number of units in post-priming limbo). Well, I might squeeze the Stormraven in; gotta add a flyer for fun. :)