We've got 2 parts to the base on this diorama and they need to match so this should be fun. Another little walk through. If you'd step this way...

This first image there is the base colors and first highlights. Here they are below.
Next up was some mid tones...
 Then came some dry brushing...
 I added some purple grey to help tie it to the dragon.
Then some dirty colors to make it more natural.
Then I moved onto the cliff which was preshaded with the air brush. It won't help that thing is huge and will take forever ~sigh~ I digress.
Wood was done with these base colors & highlights.
Then some grain was added with the colors below.
The dirt type areas on the base were based on these colors.
I then dry brushed the same stone color as above added the purple grey, and then dry brushed with the dirty stone colors that were used on the dragons base above.
 That is were I stopped.  It's a big base. I am not looking forward to shading it and doing the OSL. I really should have worked from dark to light. It would have been less controlled, but far faster. I know what will cheer me up! Another round of "Things wot I got".  This time: Large scale female space marine!
Yes, I know there is no such thing, but then space marines don't exactly exist either ;P

Next Post: I finish up the details on the dragon and get to work on the flames of the base (cause I really don't want to work on the shading of all that stone). Plus, some very cute looking founding fathers. Thanks for taking a look. Please leave any questions, comments or critiques for me below and remember; you can't spell paint without a little pain.