Buddy and fellow tourney-goer Doug Johnson also runs the company known as TableWar
They have unique display cases that let you move your army around the tables at tournaments, or around your local gaming area to the regular game night, without having to break them down. I'm not as articulate a TableWar spokesman as I am with KR, however, so I'll let Doug to the talking for me with his radical product(s) :)
Check out his kickstarter, as it's bringing his case concept to a more airplane-friendly situation:
TABLEWAR™ has just kicked off our first Kickstarter project. Here is what you need to know:
1 - It is live now!2 - It is for a brand new sized case called the TABLEWAR™ Mini Case3 - There are a limited number of "Early Bird" pledge levels with two benefits: a discounted price AND early delivery4 - The mini utilizes our same modular system but is small enough to fit underneath an Airplane Seat.5 - WORLDWIDE SHIPPING!!!
Check it out and pledge early for the best deal and the opportunity to be one of the first to have one of these amazing cases in your own hands. Here is the direct link to the TABLEWAR™ Mini Case Kickstarter; it includes ton of details, an informative video, and information about pledge levels, funding levels, and add-ons.
TABLEWAR™ is a registered trademark of Table War Designs, Inc.
Link to Kickstarter (this is the preview link… will need to validate that this doesn't change):
Primary Photo (needs adjustment for TGN - add a upper text above the banner saying "WORLDWIDE SHIPPING!")
Secondary Photo: