YAY... FRIDAY!!!! And with that some work on the Dwarf Bust.

This time I am working on the left arm brace. Some darker fur, and ice stone scales. I am not fully sold again on the fur sections, but the scale colors I am liking. Though I think I need to work on the contrast aspect a lot more with it.

Another secetion that I have worked on though is the metal beard pieces.

This part was a bit more interesting, the metals. I tried to work the bronze/brass up to a silver. and then washed it back to brass with Ogryn Wash. I still have to do some blue/green verdigris to make them a bit more weathered.  It will tie the arm brace and eyes back into the model. Making them stand ut less overall.

Oh and I also worked a bit on the back hair sections. But I did not want to make them as vibrant as the beard sections though.

So the story of the Dwarf Bust continues.... now let's see where it goes... more to come! Enjoy the weekend!