I've been asked by a couple people how big the Sicaran is in comparison to a Land Raider, so while I was working on finishing up the paint scheme on 'em, I snapped a couple comparison shots with it and a 'modern day' Land Raider. It's big!
The main hull is about 3/4ths of an inch shorter than the Land Raider, but the turret makes it a bit taller. It's also about an inch narrower overall.
The Land Raider is about an inch and a half longer, and the overall hull is significantly more substantial, which makes sense as it's a troop carrier.
Overall the Sicaran is much more svelte but I was surprised at just how big it really was when set side-by-side! Since these pictures were taken, the Sicarans have been completed, pics to follow soon!
Heresy Era Iron Hands – Sicaran size comparison shots
by Mordian7th | Nov 4, 2013