Well, I did promise you some work, so I'll be trying to put up some posts over the next few days/weeks showing what I've been up to.

This figure here is quite an interesting one. You might've seen him grow and develop over several months - which is how many of my conversions end up. I don't always have a clear idea of how the figure will end up, which means they can change quite radically over the course of the creative process.

This figure is Wenlock Dane, a puritan Inquisitor of the Ordo Malleus. That's as much as I know about him yet - I haven't been able to work out who might participate in his retinue. He's primarily constructed from one of the Inquisitorial Crusaders, with hands from Space Marines and the head of a Space Marine scout. The skull-in-a-box comes from a Russian model I bought from eBay a couple of years ago. 

Although I did most of the work in this figure, there came a point where my skills couldn't quite finish it off in the way that I envisaged. So I put in a call to PDH, and asked him to help finish some of the Green Stuff details on the figure. His input has made the model much better than it ever was - which typifies Peter's involvement in the INQ28 scene.

Many people point towards Peter's retinue (Inquisitrix Benadice and company)  as being figures that have drawn them into INQ28 - this is particularly the case on Dakka Dakka. Because of that, I've asked him to become a contributor to this blog. I've said several times that this should be an INQ28 blog, not a Molotov blog. I think that having a second author, somewhat akin to the Bell of Lost Souls site, should help to reinvigorate things here. 

His presence won't be immediate, but I am hopeful that it'll make a big difference to things here. 

MolotvFeel free to leave a comment for either me or for PDH - Collaboration is the lifeblood of this hobby - perhaps leave a shout-out for your favourite collaborator or the person whose figures have recently inspired you! (I'd definitely be keen for some inspiration.)
- Mol.