Well, as all can attest, this blog has been far too quiet over the last six months (or so.) So, Happy New Year to you all!

Peter has nagged me into trying to get a Resolution post up. If you are a long-time follower of this blog, you may remember that in December 2011, I posted a number of resolutions for 2012.

2012 was, without a doubt, a seminal year for INQ28. It's not been perfect, but this was the year in which we ran the inaugural INQvitational (and the followup event, the REQUIEM day.) I've seen INQ28 and Inquisimunda spread throughout many forums, and I think 2013 has the chance of being something very special indeed.

I think INQ28 has grown and spread throughout 2012. I've tried to be an active forum participant, but my real-life status has meant that I've had to restrict myself somewhat to the Ammobunker. I don't feel too bad about that - the Ammobunker is a great place to communicate with like-minded people. The disadvantage is that I know there's a  great deal of creativity going on in other forums that I'm missing. Places like Dakka Dakka - though PDH is a good spy for me in that regard!
I mentioned using the Blog to its best. I don't think I've done that particularly well. I've said before that I wanted this blog to be an INQ28 blog, not a Molotov blog. To that end, I don't tend to post about things that I'm doing elsewhere on the internet, or that have nothing to do with INQ28. My real life has impinged massively on my INQ28 hobby, and the blog has suffered accordingly. I do have some plans in place to fix this, however.

Despite owning INQ28.com, I haven't been able to do enough with it. I would like to get the website up so it can help to serve as a focal point for the hobby. If you have any experience with web design or the like, please get in touch with me!

I haven't been able to do much hobbying in the latter half of the year, and I've felt that lack keenly. I've perhaps spent two or three nights working on models since September. I'd like to try to work something out so that I can do some modelling.
I think the INQvitational was a success, and that everybody who came had a great time. I'm going to be working on making the 2013 INQvitational an equally special day.


My resolutions for 2013 are:

1. Continue to Raise the Profile of INQ28
I want to continue to champion INQ28. That means I want to expand the blog and make it a more vibrant hub of the hobby. I would like to vary the sort of content on here, from rules and the like to pictures; from my models to those of other people. It would be nice to get the website up and running, though I'm several years late on that score! I'm also keen to work on some collaborative projects to get the modelling bug going.

2. Make more space in my life for INQ28  
Although I've spent plenty of time on the XBOX, I haven't done anywhere near enough modelling. I would like this to change. SWMBO is not a major fan of my "little plastic men" (to say the least) but this may have to be something I put my foot down on. (I can model in the doghouse, right?)  

3. Put on at least one grand INQ28 event in 2013
The 2013 INQvitational should qualify for this, but I will keep my options open that I may be able to run a second event in the latter half of the year.

So, this blog post is a massive WATCH THIS SPACE - and I suggest you do, because I'm hoping to keep this resolution!