Hey guys,

I promised to keep you updated with what's going on for the INQvitational.

One of the key things about Inquisitor is that it takes place in the homelands of the Imperium (for the most part). It's not about the blood and mud of the 40k frontline. Whilst Inquisitors might feature there, they are for the most part an entirely different breed. Inquisitor tends to be about the shadow war behind the front lines. That means you shouldn't just play a game with the same old Cities of Death ruins!

So, with that in mind, we decided that we should bring some custom terrain to the INQvitational. Whilst Warhammer World does have some amazing scenery, I was confident that we could match them!

As ever - click the pictures for higher-resolution shots!

We settled on a graveyard concept, after seeing the Gardens of Morr kit from GW. A quick trip to B+Q later, and we had some MDF:

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Laying the material we had out on the board gave us the opportunity to visualise how we wanted to set out the kit. We then set to it...

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We've got a lot further since these pictures were taken, but I just need to chase down my friend Darren and get him to put the pictures online!

Stay tuned for more material soon...