I was able to take some pics this past weekend for 2 battles fought at the local hobby town. Masta Chief wrote up a big report using the pics I took, and you can read it here. He used his Exodite Eldar in a fight against their Dark Kin led by Archon RTVoril. It was a lot fun to watch!

That battle seemed sparse, and indeed it was considering the model count over on the next table: Chaos and Imperial Guard vs. Tyranids! Not sure if anyone is planning to use my pics to post a battle report of this one or not, but I sure did take a lot of pics of this game!

It was crazy fun to watch, and utterly horrifying to see the Doom of Malan'tai in a situation where it was unstoppable!

As far as my hobby out-put this week is concerned, I did very little, but I did get further along with the painting of the 2 Space Wolf Rhinos. Saving those pics for the next post specifically about them however.
