Sometimes it's just nice to post what's on your mind, or to share some things you found that are pretty cool and this is one of those posts. I found a blog that has some REALLY nicely painted Eldar models that I wanted to share with you guys along with a really sweet deal I got at a local auction!

First of all, before I direct your attention towards the amazingly painted Eldar I saw, I was at an auction where people were selling/trading off old models. I managed to trade a NIB shrinkwrapped GK Terminator and Land Raider for the following:

3x black sprayed and well assembled Wave Serpents, 1x black sprayed and well put together Falcon,  3x black sprayed, well put together and slightly painted War Walkers armed with Scatter Lasers, 4 painted Wraithguard models and 3 black sprayed Warlocks.

Is that a good deal or what? I think the guy was really happy with what he got so I am glad for him, we both got things that we felt were nice so rock on I say.

With that said...Though I am not too keen on the stars/space bit of the scheme (probably because I can't hope to replicate it), I would love to just have a tank painted like this with the alternating stripes going at one point. ...Blog link here. With a sample picture below: