In November, I picked up a sweet deal of most of someone's Tyrainid army for reasonably cheap. It was reasonably diverse, some metal, some resin, mostly plastic. I've since dug through my bits and picked up few boxes (at various discounts / winnings). Over the last few weeks, I've started putting things together, fixing the broken models, figuring out what I needed to still add to it.
Now locally, we're on the back side of the Bloodbowl season - so there's some discussion of starting an escalation league... how convenient.
Here's what I'm thinking for the 500 point section - pure seeding swarm mentality.
- Tyranid Prime, Scything Talons, Lash Whip & Bonesword
- 2 Hive Guard
- 12 Hormagaunts
- 5 Tyranid Warriros - 4 Devourers and 1 Barbed Strangler, all with Scything Talons
- 10 Gargoyles with Toxin Sacs
Here's some pictures of my painting/building desk here on the first of the year.