6th edition is a very different game now and Eldar will play in a very different way as far as I can tell. The changes to how psychic powers, movement, shooting and assault work now will see us changing our armies to play to the rules or it will see us failing horribly as we cling to outmoded ways of waging war.

With all of that said, I am starting to write what will be my 6th edition Eldar tactical guide. This will of course be updated as I get feedback, more experience and as the new Eldar codex comes out (hopefully next year). It will be divided up into several parts covering every unit entry in the codex as well as some basic and advanced Eldar tactics in light of 6th edition. Please feel free to ask any questions you guys might have both specifically and generally as well as anything in particular you guys would like tactics/advice on. I'll answer as best I can and include them in my tactica.