As the title says,  I am taking my Eldar to a 1500 point 40k GT in San Diego. It's run by Dave Faye and has some of the best players in CA going so it should be a great challenge. For me, the biggest challenge might be on what army list to bring...

So given the points limit and missions (which can be found here), there are three ways I can go:
   1.) footdar/wraithzilla; 2.) Mech with a seer council; 3.) full on Mech with autarch for reserves denial.

In light of the missions (all three mission objective types will be in effect each worth 4 points if achieved and 2 points if tied on-only deployment zones will differ) I settled on the following three list and reach out to you guys for some feedback and thoughts:

1.) Wraithzilla style: 1498

HQ: 365

Eldrad: 210

Avatar: 155

Troops: 668

Wraithguard: 10, spirit seer, enhance=396

Guardians: 11, scatter laser=103

Guardians: 11, scatter laser=103

Guardian jetbikes: 3=66

Heavy Support: 465

Wraithlord: eml/bl=155

Wraithlord: eml/bl=155

Wraithlord: eml/bl=155

2.) Mech style with council: 1500

HQ: 440

Farseer: Jetbike, Fortune, Warding=130

Jetlock council: 6, 2X destructor, 1 embolden, 1 enhance=310

Elites: 215

Fire Dragons: 5, exarch, crack shot, firepike=105
Wave Serpent: spirit stones, shiruken cannon=110

Troops: 430

Dire Avengers: 5=60
Wave Serpent: Spirit Stones, Scatter Laser=125

Dire Avengers: 5=60
Wave Serpent: Spirit Stones, Scatter Laser=125

Dire Avengers: 5=60
Heavy Support: 415

Fire Prism: 115

Fire Prism: 115

Falcon: holo fields, spirit stones, Scatter Laser (turret), Shiruken Cannon (under slung)=185

3.) Straight Mech: 1500

HQ: 70

Autarch: 70

Elites: 430

Fire Dragons: 5, exarch, crack shot, firepike=105
Wave Serpent: spirit stones, shiruken cannon, star engines=125

Fire Dragons: 5, exarch, crack shot, firepike=105
Wave Serpent: spirit stones, shiruken cannon, star engines=125

Troops: 555

Dire Avengers: 5=60
Wave Serpent: Spirit Stones, Scatter Laser=125

Dire Avengers: 5=60
Wave Serpent: Spirit Stones, Scatter Laser=125

 Dire Avengers: 5=60
Wave Serpent: Spirit Stones, Scatter Laser=125
Heavy Support: 230

Falcon: holo fields, spirit stones, Scatter Laser (turret), Shiruken Cannon (under slung)=185

Fire Prism: 115

Fire Prism: 115