Tj here! let's talk codex Inquisition! This thin little book is pretty cheap so I figured I'd pick it up and share a few insights and initial impressions with you here today. Let's take a look.

If you are a long time GW fan and are familiar with the fluff and history of the inquisition, you can pass on this book if that is all you are looking for, but if rules are what you are after and you play any, ANY imperial codex, then this is for you, since it can battle brother up with you and you can even take a detachment of Xenos scum as well!

Yep, an inquisitors detachment can be taken as a primary detachment or as a "Inquisitorial Detatchment" which doesn't count against your allied detachment, so if you wanted to go nuts, you could take say, Guard, ally in Eldar, then add your inquisitor detachment and be battle brothers with one and allies of convenience with another

The detachment are 1-2 HQ and 0-3 Elites (henchmen) which can count as scoring. A neat little fact here that will likely draw people to this book alone is that you can take a valkyrie as a dedicated transport, which is funny considering you can stick three cheap chuds in it and call it a day. You also get pretty much any other imperial transport option you can imagine except the immolator and the land speeder storm to choose from. For this dog you wondering, basically, these are the henchmen straight from the GK codex.

Another interesting thought is that you can take the inquisitor as your warlord! Their trait table isn't the best, but for armies like Guard, it gives you a cheAp warlord who can hide in some good transport options. As far as HQs go, the inquisitors are pretty close to the selection you get from the GO book, with options to be psykers, have terminator armor etc. I think the real winner here is being able to add two very cheap divination payments into any imperial army. Can you imagine these linked up with wolves and run priests? REROLL ARMY! Imagine that with Tigirius and a Tau buff commander, hahaha!

You can also take servo skulls which will likely be popular as it is cheap and can ruin the day for those new White Scar armies out there as well as armies lime my Khorne Hounds.

You still get options for some named  inquisitors like Coteaz, but nobody New, so no Eisenhorn or anything that interesting. I think you will likely see bare payment inquisitors whites out to armies everywhere soon just for the rerolls with likely some tweaks lime servo skulls or terminator armor to tank wounds or to create favorable deployment conditions. After that, I imagine assault henchmen in land raiders or Chris in a flyer will be popular as well.

Overall, I'd say this book will be popular with imperial players who want to add some good powers to their army, but will be considered a waste of money for pretty much anybody else out there.

That's my two cents from having the book in hand for a few hours. Let me know what your impressions were of the book as well, perhaps it will enhance our collective experience.