I just want to let everyone who frequent's this blog know that I am still alive and kicking, still very much involved with Eldar and 40k in general. Right now I am studying for law school finals but after that you should be able to expect some more content...

Basically, there have been a lot of things up in the air as far as rumors go, mainly that 6th edition is coming out in the summer with CSM coming out after that. I was holding off on a lot of tactical content and so on (but I have a bunch of battle reports to post) mainly because I am waiting to see how 6th edition will change everything.

As soon as 6th hits, I'll pick up the new book, play a bunch of games and post updated tactical articles for ya'll. In the meantime, enjoy the battle reports that will be popping up every now and again and feel free to email me with special requests or army list advice/tactical help at mortetvie13@gmail.com.