WinterWar Uber Raffle
Winter War has come and gone and I had great time! What a great event that was and incredible job by the dwarfers pulling it together! Amazing effot on the fund raising (£2500 raised!!!) and general(and customary) great organisation! Could not recommend this event more! Let's raise even more next year!!!

Also big thanks to opponents: Trev, Greg and Hamish. Could not have hoped for better opponents and had great fun, relaxing games! Special mentions to thank trev for not smashing me up too quickly, apologies to Greg for my obscene luck and sorry to Hamish for deleting those temple guard!! I think all of opponents would agree that wolf chariots in units of three are officially filth! Killed 5 skull crushers, a Tzeentch bsb, loads of wolves and a whole unit of temple guard! 50pts of winning wolves!

Also big gratz to all the gaming winners, Tim for his awesome OnG (head and shoulders the best army there!) and Rich Gentry's frankly awesome empire diorama army! Loved the conversions and scenery usage! First time I had seen a display board in person and made me want to do one now!! Ruined Lustria temple overrun by orcs is the plan!! There were some other great armies there too: Dave Fraser's DoC were great (incredible uses of washes and glazes!), Gary Wyper's TK, Dave Pyle's delves, Jamie Ferguson's empire looked awesome as ever, Chris Whyte's spider (showed the gf and she can't sleep now lol) and many more! Really brilliant painting standard overall! Thanks to all who gave such nice comments on my army too!

Also one more wee shout out to Joesph (living legend) Ward, first 3 games if warhammer ever and he comes 4th!!! 18-2, 20-1, 6-14!! Incredible!!!

How many days til WW14????
Game 1 Vs Trev Moffat

My Raffle Winnings

Game 2 vs Greg Summers WoC

Game 2 vs Greg Summers WoC

Game 2 vs Greg Summers WoC

Game 2 vs Greg Summers WoC

Jamie Ferguson's Empire

Jamie Ferguson's Empire

Jamie Ferguson's Empire

Mike Callaghan's Delves vs Lizards

Dave Frasers DoC

Dave Frasers DoC

Dave Frasers DoC

Tim Gronenberg's OnG

Tim Gronenberg's OnG

Tim Gronenberg's OnG

Tim Gronenberg's OnG

Slaanesh Themed WoC

Dave Pyle's Delves

Dave Pyle's Delves

Dave Pyle's Delves

Rich Gentry's Empire

Rich Gentry's Empire

Rich Gentry's Empire

Rich Gentry's Empire

Rich Gentry's Empire

Gary Wyper's TK

Gary Wyper's TK

Mike Callaghan's Delves

Game 2 vs Hamish Hepburn's Lizards

Final announcement of £2500 raise for Help For Heroes!