In this scene, an overweight balding man rubs his hands eagerly in front of his computer.  The time is 3:59 pm, the day is Thursday November 14th.  In one minute he will be able to register for the table top mecca Adepticon.  He is ready.  He is signed in and jams the F5 key repeatedly.  His eyes strain as he focuses on the clock on his computer screen.  4PM!  The website crashes.  Thirty minutes and several expletive deleted moments later ,he has his Adepticon weekend pass and his Warhammer 40k Championship ticket. He resumes watching cat videos. End scene.

So that's what happened last Thursday.  Adepticon 40k Championship tickets sold out in less than an hour.  I believe the 40k team tournament sold out in less than 20 minutes.  The whole ordeal was pretty tiresome, to be honest.  If they are going to continue selling their tickets in this manner they will need to completely overhaul their website's capabilities.  I know it will cost them more to get the proper bandwidth (I don't know computer stuff) but if they are going to have this mad rush to get tickets at least be able to support the traffic (is that the right computer talk?).  The hotel for the event already sold out months ago.  At some point the boys are going to need to take their event to the next level and find a bigger venue.  The next step will be getting plane tickets and finalizing my rooming arrangements.  I'm also going to need to find some alternate Friday activities if for some strange reason I don't make the finals (lol) and some things to do on Saturday before my flight out of there.

Anyways, on to the real point of this post.

Unsurprisingly I've changed my list again.  I do that a lot if you're new here.  Same basic premise but some major changes.  With the recent Codex: Inquisition release, the ability to take Inquisitor Coteaz as a battle brother to my Space Marines army without the need for a required Troop choices made me reconsider the way I would use him in my list.  You get all of the benefits of Coteaz without any of the drawbacks from his Grey Knights counterpart (i.e. no battle brothers, have to take a troop choice, etc).

Here is version 2.0 of my 1850 Iron Hands Adepticon army.

Chapter Master - Bike, Artificer Armor, Shield Eternal, Power Fist, Auspex
Librarian - Lv. 2, Bike

Command Squad - Bikes, 3x Grav Guns, Champion, Apothecary (I don't subscribe to the idea that Apothecaries or Champions can take Grav Guns)

Tactical Squad - +5, Plasma Cannon, Plasma  Gun, Rhino
Tactical Squad-  +5, Plasma Cannon, Plasma Gun, Rhino
Scout Squad - Melta Bomb
Scout Squad- 4x Sniper Rifles, Heavy Bolters with Hellfire Rounds

Storm Talon - Skyhammer Missiles

Thunderfire Cannon
Vindicator - Storm Bolter
Devastator Squad - 4x Lascannon

Bastian with Quad Gun

Inquisitorial Detachment

Inquisitor Coteaz

So what do you  guys think?  I should be able to get at least a couple games this week so I should be able to talk about its successes and failures later.