Evening guys,

Quick update time, I've finally finished off the last bits of GS work on the sorcerer and got some better pics of him:

Really happy with this guy, hes turned out pretty much as I pictured him all those months ago when the images of the DV libby first popped up on the web. Time to get him undercoated and I will attempt to get him painted up over the next few days :)

Whilst I'm here, here is a sneak peak of the terminators I've been slowly converting, they have been truescaled but not to the level of work I do on the power armoured marines.
These guys just have a single 1mm piece of Plastic card in their shins and this is enough to make them stand slightly taller than the normal corsairs, saves me a fair bit of time too :

Still a long way to go on them, given I havent even started work on the other 2 out of the DV set yet :(