Hey everyone.  Got into Denver last night and I'm excited for the festivities I have planned.  As I've mentioned previously, I will not be participating in any pre-scheduled gaming events.  I'm sure I will be getting some time for some open gaming Dystopian Wars, some video games at their "free play" arcade, as well as any other cool things I can find.

I've also mentioned that Bdub, Scrimshaw, and I will be hitting some local breweries this weekend to sample their wares and partake in libations.  I intend to bring home some awesome beer swag as well.

Besides all that, I will be entering some of my painted models in the open painting competition including the Legio Astraman Reaver.  I don't know what the competition will be like and I honestly don't much care.  Most of my entries are for coolness factor as opposed to actually trying to win something.  That being said I wouldn't complain.

If you're going to be around the halls, I'll be wandering around with my fez.  Feel free to stop by and say hi.