Adepticon was excellent again!!!  

Having now experienced it without having a completely jam-packed schedule, I can actually say I truly had more fun this year as a whole than years past and that fact probably means I'll be going back (something that was fairly uncertain previously).  I do wish I could have gotten more pictures, but that lack of a decent camera still hurts.

Bigred sporting his BoLS fez and custom "pink hooker wig"

I was able to attend Mattieu Fontaine's excellent airbrush class and I'll be putting my learning to good use in the coming weeks for sure.  The rest of the time I pretty much just hung out and used the opportunity to chat with folks I don't get to see much.  Like Brandon from GMM, who's epicly awesome Holy Grail themed army was really amazing.

Got to check out some awesome new minis (and old ones) in the CMoN booth.

Anyway, it was a blast once again even if it was a bit disorganized compared to previous events.  I think I can overlook that though.  Hopefully, I'll be a little more prepared financially next year (not that I could have helped it this year really).

Now it's time to start getting ready for Alamo and Wargames Con.  Just a couple months away!!!