One thing is for sure! I absolutely love Tournaments for one main reason... its the best motivation to paint things!

It has been AGES since I last finished something I was working on. If you happen to follow my blog you may have noticed that I have started so many projects the past few months, from Fantasy to Greek mythology ... all these will probably finish some day but for now the 40K train got me on board again.

I have just returned from a great Tourney, the results are not important. The most important thing is that I finally managed to finish building some new stuff for my Imperial Fists, and trying a new list. The result of my progress is of course the brand new-love them or hate them- Centurions. 

Tabletop quality guys but they should be ready for today so I had to rush them a bit. Anyways, tell me what you think! 

and finally some music to keep the good mood going! Till next time, take care!

EDIT: I forgot to post link for the CoolMiniOrNot vote page. If you have time, leave me a vote here: