Those that signed up to this year’s #warmongers Secret Santa should have all received your emails by now. Some of you I’ve not emailed before so make sure you check you spam/junk folders.


Apologies to all for the delay in getting the emails sent out. It’s a lengthy process administrating a Secret Santa with this many people across 4 continents and spare time is in short supply at the moment.

Just a reminder to those taking part what you’ve agreed to:

The spend limit will be 10GBP/16USD/12.00Euro excluding postage. You don’t have to spend that much but try not to go over. Obviously I can’t impose restrictions but I suggest you avoid gifts that are, or include the following:


Adult or sexual in nature


Sharp objects



Anything that could or will go boom.

Parcels must be posted no later than the 15th December 2013 to allow for postal services to be shit and please include in the parcel a note saying who you are, your Twitter name (if applicable) and a festive message. I know it’s supposed to be secret but the surprise in the post is secret enough. I think it far nicer to be able to thank the person.

Anyway, good luck and happy shopping and if you have any questions tweet me or use the hashtag #warmongersSecretSanta.
