Neues Teaser Video: Keine Tyraniden im Dezember?

Tja, dieses Teaser-Video sieht mir nicht danach aus, als würden uns im Dezember Fluten von Krabbeltieren überrennen. Vielmehr macht es den Eindruck, als würde am 30.11. die neue 40k-Expansion “Escalation: Lords of War” vorgestellt, die anscheinend superschwere Einheiten in das normale 40k Spiel übernimmt. Bisher hört man folgendes über die neue Ergänzung:

via Faeit 212

Escalation gives each army access to at least one Lord of War that are for ‘regular’ 40k games. There appears to be a difference from Apocalypse and regular 40k games, but the exact rules for them I do not know. Any Lords of War though are expensive in points, and I have been told that the Khorne Lord of Skulls matches the point value found in apocalypse, sitting at 888pts.

There are only certain units that are in escalation, so no others are allowed for regular 40k games. There are only 16 listed in the new book. As to the point level of the games, there is mention of 1500 or 2000pt games. Here are the known models that can be used for regular games in Escalation.

Imperial Guard-Baneblade or Shadowsword
Chaos Space Marines-Khorne Lord of Skulls
Space Marines: Thunderhawk
Tyranids: Harridan
Eldar and Dark Eldar: Revenant Titan
Necrons: Necron Obelisk
Ork: Stompa

Parallel dazu soll außerdem die Befestigungs-Erweiterung “Stronghold Assault” erscheinen, die ein paar neue Plastikboxen ins Weihnachtsgeschäft wirft und diverse neue Befestigungen für 40k einführt. Infos dazu bisher:

via Faeit 212

Stronghold Assault adds a lot of Fortifications into regular games of 40k, and it appears most of the new ones are from the Wall of Martyrs sets. There are 17 new datasheets for fortifications.

Wall of Martyrs Imperial Defense Line is two sets of trenches for 80pts that only take up one fortifications slot, while a Wall of Martyrs Imperial Defense Emplacement is a single trench for 40pts. So there are lots of new options, that include multiple fortifications and brings them into a single foc slot.

Here are some of the new fortifications options
Wall of Martyrs Imperial Defense Emplacement
Wall of Martyrs Imperial Defense Line
Macro Cannon Aquila Strongpoint
Skyshield Landing Pad (can be upgraded to start a flyer on it)
Imperial Strongpoint (two bastions and an aegis defense line)
Imperial Defense Network (defense line, defense emplacement, imperial bunker, and a pair of vengeance weapon batteries) Can add quad-autocannons to the bunker

There are three new Seige War missions also included in the release.

Zu diesem Gerücht passt auch die folgende Passage aus dem neuen “Clan Raukaan” Iron Hands Supplement:

Echoes of War: Iron and Steel
The Clan Raukaan player must place all of his non-flyer or super-heavy flyer units within 12″ of the center of the battlefield.

Damit wäre der Release-Fahrplan in etwa so:


  • Escalation
  • Stronghold Assault
  • Hobbit
  • Sigmar’s Blood (Fantasy)
  • 2 neue Tyraniden Boxen (ab der Mitte des Monats was man so hört)
  • Vorbestellung neuer Tyraniden Codex (ab Ende Dezember)