This weekend saw Games of War host its’ Winter tournament, ran by yours truly.
This was my first tournament as organiser. Previously the tourneys had been ran by Sean Griffis and were always a great success. Due to Sean expanding his family (congratulations by the way Sean!!) he had to take some time off from 40k. Fittingly enough the last tourney ran by Sean used the 5th Ed rules and ended up being held on the day 6th Ed arrived!
For my first go as tourney organiser and 6thedition less than a year old I didn’t want to depart too much from the rulebook. The tourney consisted of 5 games over two days. All of the missions and deployments were chosen from the 6th Ed rulebook (relic was omitted). “Warhammer 40,000 Approved” Forgeworld units were allowed. I did allow fortifications apart from the Landing Pad and the Fortress. More due to the size of the models and the fact that I would have to alter the terrain for players to fit them in and keep things balanced than any other reason.
The points limit was 1750pts on the Saturday and 2000pts on the Sunday. The day two point increase is a tradition at Games of War and not something I wanted to change. The extra 250pts doesn’t have to be bolted onto your list, as long as both armies come from the same codex anything goes. For example a Blood Angel player could use an Astorath/Death Company army day one and bring Dante and the Sanguinary Guard day 2.
Players earned 3pts for a win 2pts for a draw and 1pt for a loss. 6th Ed victory points was used as the first tie breaker and 5thEd victory points was used as a second tie breaker.
There were 16 players in attendance and the armies were spread as follows:
Codex Space Marines (2 Players)

Codex Space Marines w/ Dark Angel Allies

Codex Space Marines w/Blood Angel Allies

Space Wolves w/Imperial Guard Allies

Chaos Space Marines (2 Players)

Imperial Guard

Imperial Guard w/Grey Knight Allies


Dark Eldar

Dark Eldar w/Eldar Allies

Chaos Demons

Grey Knights

Grey Knights w/Blood Angel Allies


As you can see on the list there were quite a few different styles of build on offer and even though half the field was some type of marine, all of the lists were very different.

After a hard fought day 1 the tourney was still anyone’s game. Things didn’t get any better on day 2 but when the dust had settled it was our very own Embrace Your Inner Geek (Dave Calder) that ended up undefeated and taking first place with a Drop Pod list led by Vulkan/Lysander.

As you can see from the results sheet below the overall grouping was still very tight and it really did come down to the last game. Dave was under an extra bit of pressure as his final game was against a vicious Daemon army led by his son Robb.  

Congratulations should also go to Connor Chidley (Space Wolves/Guard) and John Golightly (Chaos Marines) for finishing 2nd and 3rd.

 The astute among you will notice there are 17 names on the result sheet and I mentioned earlier that there were 16 guys in attendance. This is because a few people dropped out after day one. I know this is quite common in the states but it’s the first time I’ve encountered it in Britain and it was disappointing to say the least. On the bright side I’d like to thank Dan Gilcrist for stepping up at the last minute to fill a spot on day 2.

The tourney went pretty smoothly and there were no major dramas. The usual rules queries were either delt with by the players or if I had to rule on something it was accepted and players got on with their games. The majority of the games also finished within the 2.5hr time limit which helped things run smoothly.

The Top Three Army Lists are below. I’ve only included the 1750pts versions.

1st Place: Dave Calder (EYIG) Codex Space Marines

Darnath Lysander

Vulcan Hestan

Command Squad, 2 Melta Guns, 2 Plasma Guns, Apothecary
Drop Pod  

Iron Clad Dreadnaught, 2 Heavy Flamers
Drop Pod

Iron Clad Dreadnaught, Heavy Flamer, Melta Gun
Drop Pod

7 Sternguard, 2 Melta Guns, 3 Combi Plasma Guns
Drop Pod

10 man Tactical Squad, Plasma Gun, Multi Melta
Drop Pod

10 Man Tactical Squad, Plasma Gun, Multi Melta
Drop Pod

5 Man Tactical Squad
Drop Pod

2nd Place: Connor Chidley Space Wolves w/Imperial Guard

Rune Priest - Chooser of the Slain

Rune Priest - Meltabomb

Lone Wolf – Terminator Armour, Chainfist, Storm Shield

Lone Wolf – Terminator Armour, Chainfist, Storm Shield

10 x Grey Hunters - 2 x Plasma Guns, Wolf Banner

10 x Grey Hunters - 2 x Plasma Guns, Wolf Banner

10 x Grey Hunters - 2 x Meltaguns

6 x Long Fangs - 2 x Lascannons, 2 x Plasmacannons, 1 x Missile Launcher

6 x Long Fangs - 2 x Lascannons, 2 x Plasmacannons, 1 x Missile Launcher

Primaris Psyker - Force Axe

Platoon Command Squad - Autocannon

Infantry Squad - Autocannon, Power Axe

Infantry Squad - Autocannon, Power Axe

Infantry Squad - Autocannon, Power Axe

Aegis Defence Line: Quad Gun

3rd Place: John Golightly Chaos Space Marines

Chaos Lord: Mark of Khorne, Juggernaught of Khorne, Axe of Blind Fury, Burning Brand of Scalathrex, Sigil of Corruption, Gift of Mutation, Veterans of the Long War

Kharn the betrayer
8 chaos space marines: Mark of Khorne, Veterans of the Long War
8 chaos space marines: Mark of Khorne, Veterans of the Long War

Heldrake: baleflamer

4 chaos spawn

8 chaos space marine bikes: Mark of Khorne, 2xmeltaguns, power fist
8 chaos havocs: 4x autocannons
Chaos Vindicator
Aegis Defence Line: Quad Gun

If anyone has any questions on the tourney feel free to contact me through the comments section or privately via email.
Until next time.
