Hey all,

I've made some serious progress on my Angels Sanguine Contemptor Dreadnought.  I've still got some weathering and stuff to finish, and the base only has a basecoat, but it's starting to come together.

I also still need to finish environmental effects, like sand on the Dread, and blood from the Dark Eldar Scourge.  

This model has been a ton of fun to paint.  There are lots of details, but they aren't overwhelming in the way they are on some infantry models (I'm looking at you Wolf Pack).  Kind of purely by chance, this thing sort of ended up as a test for my Angels Sanguine paint scheme.  I think it's working really well.

The Dark Eldar Scourge on the base has been fun, too.  It isn't a model style I'm used  to, which is a nice change.

I've also made some significant progress on my Death Company Stormraven.  This has been the most enjoyable vehicle model I've done from GW.  They have made serious strides in model design and mold processes, even since the Land Raiders and Rhino that are out now.  

Some people seem to be put off by the look of the model, but I actually like it a lot.  It's a bit on the small side, but I think it fits the overall Space Marine aesthetic really well, and it is intimidating on the table.

I still have another few X's to paint on, but I've been debating on their location.  I want to put one somewhere on the tail, probably on the top of the stabilizer wings (or whatever they are), and I think I'm going to put one on the front of the assault ramp.

All the weapon options are magnetized (though they aren't all painted yet), so I can change the Melta/Bolter on the front, and use any of the top-mounted turret options.  I magnetized the Storm Bolters on the side doors inside the model, and did a little bit of modding, so they just pop on and off.

More Dark Eldar details on the base here, this one is a chunk of a Raider.  The base is from Secret Weapon Miniature's Desert Mesa series.  I can't say enough positive things about Justin and the crew over there!!  They offer a terrific product line, with great prices, fast shipping, and great customer service!  

I also use their Flight Stand Widget to mount the Stormraven, which includes the 1/2" thick acrylic bar and a mount that glues to the bottom of the model.  It works great, and I find it far superior and sturdier than the standard GW stand.  I also inserted a magnet into the rod, and one on the base of the model.  This keeps the Stormraven in place a bit more securely, and still allows the base and model to be separated for transport.

I used masking tape to make the X's on the wings, I think they came out really sharp.  You might have noticed that the Stormraven is more heavily highlighted than the Contemptor.  I did this for 2 reasons: it's a flying vehicle, so is exposed to constant wear when used; and its a Death Company transport.  In my mind, the Death Company wouldn't have a lot of time to spend worrying about their transports aesthetics, so it would get worn out fast.

That's it for this week!  As alsways, comments and critique are welcome!  Keep in mind, though, that these are works-in-progress! 

If you like what you see, consider hiring me to paint your models for you!  See my info page here!

