I've finished a recent commission of D&D figures, and thought I'd share the results. First up is a pair of some sort of Lizard-Men with a flamethrower. These guys were a lot of fun to paint, since they're a bit of a departure for me.
Next, we have a pair of Orcs. I painted both, and actually sculpted the axe that the smaller one has from greenstuff and plastic card:
Here's a close up of the shield on the big one's back, with a freehanded symbol that the client requested:
I also have a wolf-man paladin, which I painted and did some sculpting work on:
The model was originally an ape-man of some sort, but I sculpted a new face from green stuff, to make it look more like a wolf-man. I also freehanded the wings on the shield. It is, apparently, a shield of throwing, and the client wanted something to indicate that on it.
The last painting work on this set was on a swordmage character:
I also did a bit of model repair on a model he'd already purchased painted, as well as basing:
That's it for this week. I'm still plugging away at my Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought, and putting the finishing touches on my Angels Sanguine Death Company Stormraven. Hopefully, next week, I'll be able to share more.
Remember, I'm still running a sale on commissions!! If you order 5 or more models worth of work, you'll receive 20% off!! See my commissions page for details!
Thanks for reading!