As you can probably tell, Space Wolves is my army of choice in the world of 40K.  I love the fluff, they suit my play style, and they have a terrific codex.  But, sometimes, I get tired of painting blue all the time!  Over the last few months I've been planning a totally fun (that is, not competitive at all) Angels Sanguine list as a side project.  It has been pretty slow moving, but painting red and black is nice for change!

Once I saw the Contemptor Dreadnought from Forge World, I knew I had to have one!  So, I decided to pick one up to use as a Librarian Dreadnought in my Angels Sanguine list.  It arrived on Wednesday, and I got a chance to assemble it this week:

This model was an absolute joy to assemble!  Basically, every joint on this model is either a ball socket or a rotating wheel joint, which makes is extremely poseable.  You can really get unique stances and poses with this kit.  I've got him stepping on a Dark Eldar Scourge, and he is on a Desert Mesa base from Secret Weapon Miniatures.  

Since I'm using him as a Libraran Dreadnought, he is equipped with a Force Weapon.  I had one left over from the Blood Angels Furioso kit (which I used to make a Death Company Dread), so I used that.  I modified it a bit, since the Contemptor is so much taller than a standard Dreadnought.  I cut the shaft in half, added some plastic rod to the middle, and sculpted a bit of green stuff for a handle.  I think it looks pretty cool, and the added height is definitely better.

I still have to add a ton of Librarian details (Psychic Hood, icons, etc.), but I'm pleased enough with the start to show it off.  I've also taken some pics of a Space Wolf Terminator, which I usually use as a Lone Wolf:

I finished this guy a while ago, but I like him a lot.  I love the wolf pelt/cape thing, and really like the Space Wolves Storm Shield, too.

The shoulder icon was drawn on with a Micron pen, all my Space Wolves have Ragnar's markings.

Also, I've decided to run a promotion on my Commission Service!! For the next 30 days (through 10/24), any commissions that are scheduled (with a minimum of 5 models per project) will receive a 20% discount!!  That is like getting work on one model for free!  

Please check out the Hire Me page for prices (please not, they do NOT reflect the discount) and contact me if you are interested!

As always, thanks for reading!
