First, I'd like to say I hope everyone who celebrated it had a Happy Thanksgiving yesterday. I know mine was very good, lots of cooking, eating, drinking, and spending time with family (both near and abroad).

But now, on to the next set of minis. Here are the first four from a group of eight Tactical Marines I'm painting up for this Killzone project. Back in 2005/6 when I was working on my original batch of Death Guard, I painted up a Tactical Squad that won me a Staff Golden Demon trophy. I was torn this time, because I knew I wanted to include some new models and I also loved my old squad. What should I do paint-wise? (particularly as GW had stopped production of all the old paints I had used.)

In the end I decided to repaint my old models, so that everything would match my new scheme (painted using P3 Bastion Grey as the base). I hope you like them.
