Twenty more Halberdiers to the army, luckily I did not have to paint these up from scratch as they where quite nicely painted when I bought them. Also I really dig how it's kit bashed with old haldberds, Great Swords bodies and heads from different Empire kits (not a single head is the same in this unit), and even 40k Catachan heads. But I have done some quite extensive repainting, they where Stirland and is now a part of my Ostermark army instead.

I had to repaint the yellow parts of the uniform as well as It was a little sloppy in my opinion. The only thing I haven't done much to is the heads and hands, just some touch ups here and there. All in all I'm very happy with how they turned out and is a great addition to the army, will probably never upgrade this unit to a full 40-50 men unit as I need so many more Great Swords bodies, but a command group would not be impossible to give to them and up them to 25 men. But until then I consider them finished, hope you like them.

Comments and suggestions is always welcome, and sorry for my poor photographing skills on these. Sometimes it just doesn't work out.