Sup Spikeybits, it's JStove, and while everything is on sale, let's pick over Rob's stock and see what he's got hanging around.

Keep in mind I don't actually work for Rob, I just write for him. He pays me in... Well, he doesn't actually pay me. He just gives me a company discount. Which reminds me, you should email him! He's always looking for new writers to contribute to the blog (it's true -MBG).

So I'm not technically a company stooge, these are my words coming out of my mouth not his, so consider that if you think I'm running a sales pitch on you.

Like everyone else, I've cherry-picked myself a list of toys from Rob's stock while window shopping, and whether or not you get on this stuff while there's still a sale to be had, that's between you and Rob. While I'm looking at all his picked-over stock on the online store though, I thought I'd share with you what I think are some winners you may have overlooked.

These guys right here, for starters. To be fair, I think the whole eisenkern range from Dream Forge is pretty badass because they remind me of Jin Roh, but to me the biggest money item in the range are support weapon batteries. Why? Well, if you're an imperial guard player, at some point you're probably going to be up to your elbows in support squads, and those support squads from GW cost around forty bucks. Meanwhile, Rob will sell you these Dream Forge dudes that have cooler looking guys, cooler looking weapons, and are cheaper. The only weakness of the box is that you don't get the pile of extra weapon bits you get with GW, but I think the markdown compensates the lack of choice for the cool looking Jin Roh dudes.

I think a lot of the Dust range is full of cool models and sleeper hits that a lot of hobbyists that have their GW blinders on never see. The cool part about the Dust range is not only does Fantasy Flight give us cool looking nazi gorillas (that's a real unit, go check the model range) and walking tanks, but they also have some sweet out-of-the-box terrain for the unapologetically lazy. One of my favorite items for quick and dirty table building are these awesome little 6 packs of barrack huts that are great for blocking infantry-level line of sight for 40k and warmahordes, and aren't bad at the price, especially if they're on sale.

Its no surprise that the Avatars of War stock is pretty picked over, since AoW models are all pretty bitchin' but there's still stock left of the nasty chaos dudes, and even a big buff demon guy. There's always room for another cool big buff chaos lord guy.

This is my single favorite sleeper of them all, because of a problem every space marine (chaos marine, grey knight, whatever angels, its all the same crap...) will eventually have- At some point, when writing an army list, you will have to buy rhinos. Even if you don't like them, even if you don't want them, a Rhino will sneak into your list somewhere- it might be a predator, it might be a razorback, it might just be a metal box with 10 dudes in it, but that sneaky little tank will get into your collection somehow if you play a marine army long enough, hull points and first blood be damned.

That's where this Dystopian Legions British APC comes in- Its got the footprint and aesthetic appearance of a rhino, but is just different enough to give your army a little character and look interesting doing it. It will help you make your army look different from every other marine army on Earth, and its cheaper than the GW normal rhino, which ain't a bad thing either.

That's it guys, i'm outta here, BUT checkout my other fun and exciting articles by clicking this link right HERE-Jstove