pic1222522_tLate post for November here.  With the holiday and then I just got busy this week.  Being out of town visiting family and a late Halloween party threw a couple different games into the mix.  Twenty-four total game plays, making it the highest number of the year.

The Manhattan Project took the top billing.  It has become pretty popular with our group, as we dig into the various strategies.  CO2 got played again, which is nice to see.  Dominion hit the table again for the first time in quite a while. Small World also saw a return, though that was solely because I taught it to my son and he’s really enjoying it.

The Manhattan Project 4
Dominion 3
Clash of Cultures 2
Dixit 2
The Resistance 2
Small World 2
Village 2
CO₂ 1
Eminent Domain 1
Lords of Waterdeep 1
Shadows over Camelot 1
Spyrium 1
Star Trek: Catan 1
Thurn and Taxis 1

Until next time, happy gaming!