Well, it was a massive undertaking but we just finished up two great campaigns, and I wanted to take a moment to congratulate the winners of our most recent battles!  Season 4 brought an end to Flames of War and our first team victory award has been given to the winning team, and the Second Half terminates an end to our Warhammer Fantasy Battles campaign for 2012.

In Flames of War, our German team walks away victorious from the Battle for Moscow!

Jerry Wargate and Captain Video have crushed the opposition, and the German team advances across the Moscow oblast in the wake of this historical upheaval.  Next year will prove even more bitter, as the trenches are dug just a little bit closer to the new salient.  We'll be looking for more mid-war combatants as well, and hopefully things will go a little easier for us in those campaign months than they did this year since the club was slightly disrupted towards the end of 2012.  Now we have everything back in place, and it's full steam ahead for this next year!

Accepting the award on the behalf of his team is Jerry Wargate,  shown here in appropriate regalia.

Yet, the big prize was given to the victor of the Warhammer Fantasy Battle campaign!  Incredibly, it was myself who managed to beat out the opposition with my dastardly Dark Elf army, the Tower of Iron Woe.  Vanquishing my mortal enemy, the High Elves, there was little left to do except battle those who dared set foot in the pass, and only the Tomb Kings had a chance at pushing the Dark Elves off the Firecrag at the end of the campaign.  I'm totally impressed with the Dark Elves, and will be building that army up to 2500 points...just a little shy of that yet.

Who's that guy?  How'd he get in here?

Oh, and there was a cash prize for Warhammer Fantasy Battle as well, which I put towards new terrain for the club's games.  More stuff specifically for Warhammer 40,000 and Flames of War in particular!  Watch out for other campaigns this year that will have a material prize as well, beyond the club acknowledging you as champion for an entire year!

So to close out today, I'd like to take a moment to thank Skim and Bignutt for their contributions this month as well.  We've all piled in and gotten a mountain of new Battlefield in a Box stuff which I'll be spotlighting in the coming weeks.  You guys are fantastic, and your enthusiasm helps propel the club forward.  2013 is set to be a great year to be a wargamer, but it will be a totally awesome year to be a member of the Wargate!