What began as an impromptu session for a visiting friend has blossomed into a full blown campaign here at the Wargate!  Marky Mark has spent the last year or so preparing to give us a great game with Atlantis: The Second Age, and the group is not disappointed with the interesting setting and adventure time we're getting to put in Hyperborea!  This is his first game to GM in a very long time -and using the next version of the old Atlantis game Mark and his crew used to play way back, it has gone very, very smooth so far.

The game is entering it's 6th week of play here at the Wargate, and the table dynamic has been quite interesting due to the game's unique setting.   Everything is familiar enough that new players can dive right into the setting with very little backstory and be well aware of all social conventions needed for their immediate areas.  The map of the game world is self explanatory.  The Atlantean world is very familiar, but it does have some unique flavor of it's own.

I'd never heard of Atlantis...  I don't gather it was ever a very high profile game, and though it had several editions (and something like three different publishers) there aren't very many expansion products that were even made for each.  The version we are using is from Morrigan Press, and there were not very many products for this version specifically.  Two books is what I could find.  However, the basic D20 pattern is there...so that opens a lot of doors for expansion.  Yet, it's not really seen as a shortcoming of material so much as a completeness of presentation.

You can check out the campaign page for the basic story, which has been up for a few weeks and is an up to date adventure log.

Mileage from core books, even though a lot of information is sparse, is going to be great.  Mark's a clever chap, and with his experience I'm sure we'll never exhaust them for ideas.  Even if by some chance we do, so many materials have been made with the D20 system over the past twelve years, we'd never get to a lot of it with D&D alone.  There's a good argument to explore sourcebooks that have been overlooked by our club with other games - might have to look in on adding to the arsenal soon!

See you on Game Day!